If you are planning your first trade show, or you are making a major departure from your last event, then you need to write a request for proposal, also known as an RFP. It’s the first step to lining up the perfect venue, finding the right vendors, and ensuring that you will have all the trade show services you need for a successful event. Advanced Tradeshow Technology wants to make trade show planning and hosting as easy as possible with our selection of customizable services, but today, we’ll be taking a step back to help you understand the request for proposal process. Keep reading to learn more, and once you are ready to send out your RFP, make sure you send one to Advanced Tradeshow Services!

Creating a Trade Show Request for Proposal
Advanced Tradeshow Technology

A request for proposal is a way for your organization to solicit proposals from potential vendors and providers. You let trade show service companies know what the requirements and objectives of your event will be, and any interested parties will send you a proposal describing what they can offer. When you use a request for proposal to trigger these responses, you are ensuring that every potential partner gets the same information and will be held to the same requirements, giving your organization the opportunity to make fair evaluations across the board.
As we mentioned in the introduction, there are typically two cases in which you would need to send out a request for proposal. One, when you are new to trade show planning and are looking to establish relationships with vendors and suppliers. Two, when the providers you are currently working with aren’t a good match for your next event. A request for proposal is your way of narrowing down potential partners by expressing your expectations and explaining the dimensions of your event, such as the budget, formatting, and size of the event. Look for a future blog post with more information on what details you should include in your RFP.
A request for proposal is meant to be an honest request for new vendors. It is not a way to get information on your current provider’s competitors that you plan to use against your current provider in a negotiation. Do not send out an RFP if you don’t plan to change vendors. The company that responds with a proposal has spent valuable time and effort considering the needs of your event and how to meet them; they deserve the time and effort it will take for you to give them serious consideration.
Begin The Process
A request for proposal is a great tool to kickstart the trade show planning process and begin assembling your team of vendors and providers. Not only can it help you define what you need from a trade show service company, but it also can help you narrow down the pool of potential partners and discover the company that will truly meet your needs and exceed your expectations. If you have no experience writing an RFP, don’t worry! Keep an eye on this blog, because there is an upcoming post that describes what kind of information you need to include.
Remember, when you are ready to send out your RFP, send one to Advanced Tradeshow Technology! We are passionate about making your next event the best one yet with customized, innovative services. Whether you want to keep attendees happy and expedite the registration process or you want to attract new exhibitors with detailed and effective lead retrieval services, Advanced Tradeshow Technology can help. Explore all the ways we can contribute to the success of your next trade show by taking a look at our services overview page and contact us today to get started!